Scheduled For Release 2025-12-02
Future patch level of XMB 1.9.12.
0000759: [Bugs] Upgrader Can't Display Error Messages in PHP v5 (miqrogroove)
0000750: [Bugs] Install Failure on PHP 7.0 (miqrogroove)
2 of 2 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-12-31
Future version of XMB. The version number is subject to change.
0000760: [New Features] Favorite status should be displayed on threads
0000756: [New Features] Reduce Code Duplication in post.php
0000753: [Bugs] Why is Table Truncation Specified in Prune Code?
0000752: [Research Tasks] Figure out if Symfony Mailer Could Be Added
0000751: [New Features] Reactions to Posts
0000740: [Bugs] Quick Reply is Crowded in Portrait Rotation
0000738: [Bugs] URLs Need Removed from Translation System
0000729: [Bugs] The "folder" variable in u2u view URLs does nothing
0000638: [Bugs] U2U Folder Queries Should Be 404-able
0000647: [New Features] Make Installer More Like Upgrader for Shell Use
0000662: [New Features] Add Sitemap Feature
0000693: [Translation Defects] Attachment size in the FAQ is hardcoded
0000721: [Bugs] 'HTML is off' is effectively a pointless/legacy piece of text
0000732: [New Features] Eliminate or change global constants
       0000731: [New Features] Find suitable replacement for the X_SCRIPT constant. (miqrogroove)
0000747: [Bugs] Moderator Settings Should be Validated (miqrogroove)
0000698: [Bugs] Social fields are mostly irrelevant in this day and age (miqrogroove)
0000733: [New Features] File-Based Templates (miqrogroove)
       0000742: [New Features] Remove the Templates Table from Schema (miqrogroove)
0000739: [New Features] File-Based Translation (miqrogroove)
       0000741: [New Features] Remove Translation Tables from Schema (miqrogroove)
0000661: [Bugs] Re-Design Page Titles (miqrogroove)
0000755: [New Features] Retire the Spell Checker (miqrogroove)
0000700: [Bugs] Reset blank moods option in admin panel is useless (miqrogroove)
0000754: [Bugs] Attachment Mass Editor is Broken (miqrogroove)
0000749: [Bugs] Sub-forum Moderators Cosmetic Alignment (miqrogroove)
0000743: [New Features] Increase MySQL Requirement to v5.5. (miqrogroove)
0000728: [New Features] Dependency Injection Patterns (miqrogroove)
0000730: [New Features] Increase PHP Requirement to v8.2 (miqrogroove)
9 of 29 issue(s) resolved. Progress (31%). View Issues