View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000732XMB1New Featurespublic2024-12-14 11:03
Reportermiqrogroove Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version1.10.00 
Summary0000732: Eliminate or change global constants
DescriptionAlong with global changes for the sake of dependency injection, it's time to evaluate all of the global constants in the XMB project. Things like "DEBUG" easily conflict with code from other sources and make XMB inflexible in some environments.
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parent of 0000731 new Find suitable replacement for the X_SCRIPT constant. 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-14 11:03 miqrogroove New Issue
2024-12-14 11:03 miqrogroove Relationship added parent of 0000731