XMB1 - Change Log
Not Yet Released
Future version of XMB. The version number is subject to change.
0000765: [Bugs] Don't Show reCAPTCHA Without a Token (miqrogroove) 0000755: [New Features] Retire the Spell Checker (miqrogroove) 0000700: [Bugs] Reset blank moods option in admin panel is useless (miqrogroove) 0000754: [Bugs] Attachment Mass Editor is Broken (miqrogroove) 0000749: [Bugs] Sub-forum Moderators Cosmetic Alignment (miqrogroove) 0000743: [New Features] Increase MySQL Requirement to v5.5. (miqrogroove) 0000742: [New Features] Remove the Templates Table from Schema (miqrogroove) 0000741: [New Features] Remove Translation Tables from Schema (miqrogroove) 0000728: [New Features] Dependency Injection Patterns (miqrogroove) 0000730: [New Features] Increase PHP Requirement to v8.2 (miqrogroove) 10 issues View Issues