XMB1 - Change Log
Released 2010-01-27
Official 1.9.11 patch build # 8 released to fix PHP 5.3 compatibility.
0000350: [Bugs] Need to Handle max_file_uploads INI Directive (miqrogroove) 0000328: [Bugs] socket_SMTP::get() is uninitialized (miqrogroove) 0000333: [Bugs] zlib Conflict Warnings (miqrogroove) 0000346: [Bugs] Debug Empty Cookie Domain (miqrogroove) 0000345: [Bugs] Missing $ in debug.inc.php. (miqrogroove) 0000342: [Bugs] Undefined index in assertEmptyOutputStream() (miqrogroove) 0000340: [Bugs] Type-o Affecting Smiley Disable Option (miqrogroove) 0000339: [Bugs] Eliminate String Concatenation From Echo Statements (miqrogroove) 0000336: [Research Tasks] Document / Revert / Prep xmb19x Trunk (miqrogroove) 0000338: [Bugs] Revert All xmb19x Feature Changes After Rev 1861 (miqrogroove) 0000330: [Bugs] & decode in email (miqrogroove) 0000305: [Bugs] Cosmetic Change To message ourput in editprofile (kuba1) 0000355: [Bugs] U2U Query Optimization (miqrogroove) 0000354: [Bugs] Birthdays Off by One in +12 and +13 Time Zones (miqrogroove) 0000290: [Bugs] Duplicate Whosonline Entries Cause Duplicate U2U Rows (miqrogroove) 0000335: [Bugs] Update Copyright Dates (miqrogroove) 0000334: [Bugs] like_escape() Doesn't Slash Values Correctly (miqrogroove) 0000332: [Meta] PHP 5.3 Compatibility (miqrogroove) 0000349: [Bugs] PHP 5.2 Backward Compatibility (miqrogroove) 0000348: [Bugs] $ipcheck Option in config.php Throws Deprecated (miqrogroove) 0000343: [New Features] Forward Compatibility Improvement (miqrogroove) 0000352: [Bugs] Substitute ini_set() for set_magic_quotes_runtime() (miqrogroove) 0000341: [Bugs] PHP 5.3/IIS CGI Compatibility (miqrogroove) 0000304: [Bugs] Empty Quick Jumps (miqrogroove) 24 issues View Issues