View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000696XMB1Bugspublic2024-04-15 04:35
Reporterflushedpancake Assigned Tomiqrogroove  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.9.12.04 
Target Version1.9.12.06Fixed in Version1.9.12.06 
Summary0000696: Lingering guest appears in misc.php?action=online after logging in
DescriptionTitle says it all I think.
Interestingly, this doesn't happen in the 'who's online' on the forum index, which also seems to have a different timeout.
Steps To ReproduceLogin.
Go to misc.php?action=online

Additional InformationIs it supposed to be blanked? I swear it used to say 'Guest'.
TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version
PHP Version
Web Server
Original Reporter
SVN Revision3034
Git Commit


has duplicate 0000697 closedmiqrogroove Who's online is inconsistent between the index page/post sidebar/who's online page 



2024-04-08 19:36


blank.png (102,998 bytes)   
blank.png (102,998 bytes)   


2024-04-09 12:57

administrator   ~0000457

I'm seeing this too. It looks like some variables are mixed up in the query call from function elevateUser(). I will research this one.


2024-04-09 13:10

administrator   ~0000458

Unclear why the $onlineuser variable is still in global scope. I will research this more and set it to an empty string if necessary.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-08 19:36 flushedpancake New Issue
2024-04-08 19:36 flushedpancake File Added: blank.png
2024-04-09 12:57 miqrogroove Assigned To => miqrogroove
2024-04-09 12:57 miqrogroove Status new => acknowledged
2024-04-09 12:57 miqrogroove Note Added: 0000457
2024-04-09 13:10 miqrogroove Status acknowledged => assigned
2024-04-09 13:10 miqrogroove Product Version =>
2024-04-09 13:10 miqrogroove Target Version =>
2024-04-09 13:10 miqrogroove Note Added: 0000458
2024-04-09 13:29 miqrogroove Status assigned => resolved
2024-04-09 13:29 miqrogroove Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-09 13:29 miqrogroove Fixed in Version =>
2024-04-09 13:29 miqrogroove SVN Revision => 3034
2024-04-09 15:22 miqrogroove Relationship added has duplicate 0000697
2024-04-15 04:35 miqrogroove Status resolved => closed