View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000698XMB1Bugspublic2024-12-31 10:01
Reporterflushedpancake Assigned Tomiqrogroove  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.9.12.07 
Target Version1.10.00 
Summary0000698: Social fields are mostly irrelevant in this day and age
DescriptionBasically all of them lead nowhere since every single one of the services in question has since shut down.

Either they need to be removed, or replaced with something else, perhaps allowing the user to input his own custom fields there. I'm absolutely NOT going to break these things on my own board though while a patch version is under development, so.
TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version
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Web Server
FlagsSchema Updates
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2024-12-31 10:01

administrator   ~0000541

I'm going to remove aim, icq, yahoo, and msn from the members table in schema 10. This is part of an alpha migration and not hooked up to any stable code yet.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-08 19:41 flushedpancake New Issue
2024-04-09 15:21 miqrogroove Severity trivial => minor
2024-04-09 15:21 miqrogroove Status new => acknowledged
2024-04-09 15:21 miqrogroove Category Meta => Bugs
2024-04-09 15:21 miqrogroove Product Version =>
2024-04-09 15:21 miqrogroove Flags => Schema Updates
2024-12-14 10:26 miqrogroove Priority low => normal
2024-12-14 10:26 miqrogroove Product Version =>
2024-12-14 10:26 miqrogroove Target Version => 1.10.00
2024-12-14 10:26 miqrogroove Flags Schema Updates => Schema Updates
2024-12-31 10:01 miqrogroove Assigned To => miqrogroove
2024-12-31 10:01 miqrogroove Status acknowledged => assigned
2024-12-31 10:01 miqrogroove Note Added: 0000541