View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000617XMB1Bugspublic2020-10-19 20:01
Reportermiqrogroove Assigned Tomiqrogroove  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.9.12 Beta 1 
Target Version1.9.12Fixed in Version1.9.12 
Summary0000617: Own Replies Show as New Posts in Forumdisplay
DescriptionProbably some more tweaks needed in cookie or DB last visit logic.
Steps To ReproduceTwo scenarios:

1. The user creates a post during the 60-second window allowed by elevateUser() and then logs in to a different browser.

2. The user creates a post during the 60-second window allowed by elevateUser() and then quickly navigates away from post.php to avoid loading viewthread.php.
TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version
PHP Version
Web Server
Original Reporter
SVN Revision2894


related to 0000564 closedmiqrogroove "Last active" Time Calculated Wrong 
related to 0000634 closedmiqrogroove After login, Last active time set to current time? 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-09-23 13:05 miqrogroove New Issue
2020-09-23 13:05 miqrogroove Relationship added related to 0000564
2020-09-24 05:07 miqrogroove Assigned To => miqrogroove
2020-09-24 05:07 miqrogroove Status new => assigned
2020-09-24 05:07 miqrogroove Steps to Reproduce Updated
2020-09-24 05:26 miqrogroove Status assigned => resolved
2020-09-24 05:26 miqrogroove Resolution open => fixed
2020-09-24 05:26 miqrogroove Fixed in Version => 1.9.12
2020-09-24 05:26 miqrogroove SVN Revision => 2894
2020-10-19 09:19 miqrogroove Status resolved => closed
2020-10-19 20:01 miqrogroove Relationship added related to 0000634