View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000239XMB1Bugspublic2009-01-07 21:51
ReporterMouser Assigned Tomiqrogroove  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.9.10 
Target Version1.9.11Fixed in Version1.9.11 
Summary0000239: MySQL version mismatch during installation, while this is not true.
DescriptionA user trying to install XMB 1.9.11 Beta 2 gets the following error:

[quote]Version mismatch XMB requires MySQL version 4.1.7 or higher to work properly. Version 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge8-log is running.[/quote]

XMB requires: version 4.1.7
User running: version 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge8-log
Additional InformationWorkaround (for the user, so he could install XMB):

Remove this line from ./install/index.php

error('Version mismatch', 'XMB requires MySQL version '.MYSQL_MIN_VER.' or higher to work properly. Version '.$sqlver.' is running.', true);

XMB does an explode on the dots in the version number.
"11-Debian_4sarge8-log" is not higher then "7".
TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version4.1.11
PHP Versionunknown
Web ServerApache
BrowserInternet Explorer
Original Reporter
SVN Revision1548



2009-01-02 07:44

administrator   ~0000120

Thank you for this excellent bug report :) Bug squashed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-01-02 07:33 Mouser New Issue
2009-01-02 07:33 Mouser MySQL Version => 4.1.11
2009-01-02 07:33 Mouser PHP Version => unknown
2009-01-02 07:33 Mouser Web Server => Apache
2009-01-02 07:33 Mouser Browser => Internet Explorer
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove SVN Revision => 1548
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Note Added: 0000120
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Assigned To => miqrogroove
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Severity minor => major
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Reproducibility have not tried => sometimes
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Status new => resolved
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Resolution open => fixed
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Projection none => minor fix
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove ETA none => < 1 day
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Product Version 1.9.11 Beta 2 => 1.9.10
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Fixed in Version => 1.9.11
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Target Version => 1.9.11
2009-01-02 07:44 miqrogroove Additional Information Updated
2009-01-07 21:51 miqrogroove Status resolved => closed