View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000065XMB1New Featurespublic2008-11-26 18:03
Reportermiqrogroove Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0000065: Limit Signature Size
DescriptionI am wondering if it will be possible to have a restriction in size of the signature area?

Often the signature is larger than the actual message and can overpower a thread when you have many members using that area with huge graphics and lists etc.
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TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version
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Web Server
FlagsSchema Updates
Original Reportermundoo
SVN Revision


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-07-22 05:43 miqrogroove New Issue
2008-07-22 05:43 miqrogroove Flags => Schema Updates
2008-07-22 05:43 miqrogroove Original Reporter => mundoo
2008-07-22 05:44 miqrogroove Status new => acknowledged
2008-07-22 05:44 miqrogroove Projection none => redesign
2008-08-23 19:25 miqrogroove Priority low => normal
2008-08-23 19:46 miqrogroove Priority normal => high
2008-11-26 18:03 miqrogroove Target Version 1.9.11 =>