View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000154XMB1Bugspublic2008-11-03 17:14
Reportermiqrogroove Assigned Tomiqrogroove  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.9.8 SP2 
Target Version1.9.11Fixed in Version1.9.11 
Summary0000154: Redirected tids Use Invalid URL
DescriptionGoing back to at least version 1.9.8 the viewthread script has been redirecting moved threads with this invalid path:

Steps To ReproduceMove Thread (for example, tid 123)
Select "Move thread and leave redirect in previous forum"
Find the tid of the redirector (for example, 321)
Try to hit the redirected thread using viewthread.php?tid=321
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
MySQL Version
PHP Version
Web Server
Original Reporter
SVN Revision1302


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-07 12:28 miqrogroove New Issue
2008-10-07 12:28 miqrogroove Status new => assigned
2008-10-07 12:28 miqrogroove Assigned To => miqrogroove
2008-10-07 12:54 miqrogroove SVN Revision => 1302
2008-10-07 12:54 miqrogroove Status assigned => resolved
2008-10-07 12:54 miqrogroove Fixed in Version => 1.9.11
2008-10-07 12:54 miqrogroove Resolution open => fixed
2008-11-03 17:14 miqrogroove Status resolved => closed